MSFS Spitfire: Update 1.0.1 now Live

MSFS Spitfire: Update 1.0.1 now Live

Hey Guys,

We've just released the first update for our MSFS Spitfire! For those of you that own the Spitfire already, you'll be receiving an email with a link to download the latest update.

We'd like to thank 'GotGravel' for lending his expertise and working with us to improve the Flight Model. You can find him in his discord channel here, where he is also running a Silver Spitfire around the world tour that you can join in!

Finally, keep an eye out tonight on Twitch to view or take part in a huge group Spitfire tour & flight! TwoToneMurphy, TheFlyingFabio, SeedyL & ForderLearnsToFly will all be streaming on their Twitch channels, flying together and with viewers in a huge Spitfire formation flight. Catch it on Twitch at 18:00zulu, Saturday 13th March!

A Paintkit is now available! Get the link from the 'downloads' section of our MSFS Spitfire Store Page


Screenshot by 'Sho'

Update 1.0.1

This update is our first update since release, and aims to address some remaining bugs & issues pointed out by our users, prioritizing improving the user experience, adding missing sounds & features and further improving the flight model.

Overall, the flight dynamics have been made more realistic and therefore the Spitfire is now slightly more difficult to fly (especially on takeoff). You will need to use your rudder trim more effectively, and manage your engine power more carefully. We recommend between 2-7 degrees right rudder trim for takeoff and up to +7 lb Boost.


  • External LODs improved, icing LODs fixed
  • Clipped Wing icing issues fixed
  • Animated oxygen valve, external tank lever
  • Windshield Fluid Port textures added


  • Touchdown Sounds added
  • Additional cockpit sounds added (wobble pump, primer, various switches)

Systems & Flight Model

  • Parking Brake made clickable
  • Flight Model improvements (thanks to Raimond aka GotGravel for pitching in and making several contributions here)
    - Stall speeds increased slightly
    - Stall behavior adjusted
    - P-factor increased (you will notice a much stronger tendency to swing left on takeoff. Counter this with some right rudder trim)
    - Torque/Propwash dynamics adjusted
    - Roll inertia, stability adjusted
    - Control sensitivity at various airspeeds adjusted
    - General control & trim sensitivity adjusted
    - Prop Inertia reduced
    - Engine throttle response speed increased
  • ATC Power now tied to Radio Unit – to be able to contact ATC, select any preset channel on the radio (A-D) to power it on
  • Oxygen Flow now requires oxygen flow valve on the starboard side of the cockpit to be opened
  • Negative G’s starve engine of fuel (WIP, needs additional work)
  • Engine Temperature model adjusted slightly (still WIP)

Finally, enjoy some of these beautiful screenshots sent in by some Happy Spitfire Pilots in our discord channel!

Dan & Alex
FlyingIron Simulations


Screenshot by 'Sho'

Screenshot by 'Eight_of_Dragons'

Screenshot by 'Noe'

Screenshots by 'BreezeWind'


  • John Wesley Woodcock

    I watched a youtube video and that gentleman had no trouble at all taking off

  • Scar

    Dear team, thank you for this wonderful piece of history. I really enjoy flying it but i didn’t receive the link in my mail for the updated version. Can you fix this please?

  • Andy

    The mk.IX should NOT have fuel starvation from negative G’s. This was only an issue with the carburetors in the early mark spits.

  • Neil Havill

    Hi can you confirm when the link for the update will be available?

  • David

    “Negative G’s starve engine of fuel”. The mkIX used a pressure carburetor rather than a float carb, so there shouldn’t be an issue of fuel starvation in negative G or inverted flight, correct?

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