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Microsoft Flight Simulator
BF 109G-6
The Messer. The Knife.
A true master of the skies; feared by her opponents and respected by all. The Bf 109G-6 represents the pinnacle of German aviation and holds its place in history as one of the deadliest & most fearsome fighters ever made.

Microsoft Flight Simulator
F6F-5 Hellcat
The carrier deck quakes as a deep, guttural roar cuts through the noise and demands respect. The deafening thumping of 18-cylinders is instantly recognisable … the Zero Killer. Ace Maker.

Microsoft Flight Simulator & X-Plane 11
Spitfire L.F Mk IXc
A timeless legend, an icon, a hero and arguably one of the most beautiful aircraft to have ever existed.

Microsoft Flight Simulator & X-Plane 11
P-38L Lightning
Unmistakeable. Terrifying. Master of the skies: The fork-tailed devil.

DCS World
The natural evolution of the notorious F-8 Crusader, the carrier-borne Corsair II is famous as a pioneer in naval jet aviation and for its devastating Air-to-ground capabilities

X-Plane 11
G 109B/Vigilant
Soar through clouds & thermal currents in the ultimate test of pilot skill & control with the G109B Glider

X-Plane 11
P-47N Thunderbolt
A predecessor to the A-10 warthog and the original "flying tank" - the P47 is big, mean but above all else: legendary

Who Are We?
We are a team of two brothers based in the wonderful Sydney, Australia. We have been passionate about aviation and flight simulation for many years, with a particular love for military aircraft.
We have a background in 3D Game Art & Sound Design, and we have taught ourselves programming over the course of the last few years.
We develop high quality aircraft for X-Plane 11, Microsoft Flight Simulator and DCS: World.