G'day everyone!
Our latest Spitfire L.F Mk IXc update for MSFS is now available!
Hotfix 2 includes various Flight Model fixes and improvements, XML fixes & other general file fixes.
- Fixes adverse SU5 impacts to the flight model
- Accurate zero-drag coefficient (factory data) ... translates into correct top speeds
- Improved drag on flaps as well as gear
- Induced drag tuned
- CG completely redone using factory data
- Pilot weight now 215 lb (170lb pilot + parachute + dinghy)
- Verified and tuned stall speeds (full tanks with clean and landing configs)
- Tuned p-factor / torque for a natural takeoff that can match the original POH (full right rudder trim, 1 notch down with boost 9 or no trim at a more gentle boost)
- Fine tuned roll rates at various speeds
- Tuned turn rate
- Adjusted elevator setup based on pilot accounts...now requires a tiny bit of DOWN trim to fly straight. Also take off with 1 notch DOWN trim, as per POH. This makes it easier to lift the tail around 50-60mph.
- Elevator trim much easier and more stable during flight.
- Engine and propeller adjustments to counter for a bug/change in SU5 that handicaps the RPM authority at altitude
Hotfix 2 comes with all necessary files for the aircraft. Be sure to remove the flyingiron-spitfire folder from your Community folder, then add the new Hotfix 2 flyingiron-spitfire folder.
If you're unsure how to install the aircraft, please follow the instructions found here: https://flyingironsimulations.freshdesk.com/support/solutions/articles/51000209363-installing-an-addon
Please note: it may take a few hours before you receive your update email. You can download the aircraft straight from our website, as explained here: https://flyingironsimulations.freshdesk.com/support/solutions/articles/51000211125-downloading-your-aircraft
We will see you in the skies!
Alex & Dan
FlyingIron Simulations

Hi just purchased your amazing spitfire for MSFS 2020, Its brilliant apart from the fact that none of the aircraft have cannon barrels as shown in all the photos. Have i got a duff download or is there a fix in the pipeline. Yours N
I live on the south coast UK a couple of miles from Goodwood airfield where 2 Spitfires fly out of regularly. Now in the sim with VR and your Spitfire a dream has come true. Breathtaking.
Keep up the good work.
I have your Spitfire on Xbox and love it, do you know when we will get the update on XBox?
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