Hey Guys,
Our latest Spitfire update is now ready!
Update 1.0.3 focuses on updating the Spitfire for MSFS’s July Update, which includes Xbox integration and a new interaction system. We’ve also included some particle FX and a few other goodies for you.
- Implementation of the new UI & Interaction system – including improved tooltips and controls (primer & door controls fixed)
- Integration of Garmin 430 GPS in the cockpit – gunsight can now be toggled between gunsight & GPS via the Gunsight Reticule switch
- Addition of basic Visual FX – engine smoke, contrails, tyre particles etc. More to come in future updates!
- Integrated engine block vibrations
- Numerous Flight Model & Ground Handling refinements & improvements (By GotGravel)
- Refined & improved Oxygen system realism
- Engine Damage now optional – can be toggled ON/OFF via Radio Preset Button D
- Improved Prop Animation
- Fixed lighting knob controls
- Fixed temperature gauge dropouts & bugs
- Numerous bugfixes & miscellaneous improvements to Art & systems
Dan & Alex
FlyingIron Simulations
I’d really like to buy the Spit but have seen cockpit flickering issues. Are those resolved yet?
Is it possible to buy it directly on MSFS Marketplace?
Any chance of tweaking the Mk9 to a unique Aussie Mk8 version??
Hey guys, any idea when 1.0.3 is going to make it to the Microsoft Flight Sim Marketplace?
I have updated the Airplane to the latest update. I have a folder called Spitfirefx what do i do with this folder?
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