Spitfire Mk IXc Update 1.2

Spitfire Mk IXc Update 1.2

Hey Guys,

Today we've just released our latest major update via the Skunkcrafts Updater Plugin. It should be available on the .Org store for download as well within the next day or so.

This update replaces the VR/GUI Panel with our latest iteration of the FlyingIron UI Tablet (which includes Avitab integration and is VR Compatible), includes the updated & completed user manual PDF, includes axis control for the brake lever, and more.

Changelog is as follows:

Systems Modelling

  • Overhauled Pneumatic System to be more realistic
  • Overhauled Electrical system to be more realistic
  • Reworked Braking system - axis control is now available via the 'SpeedBrake' axis binding.
  • Improved several failures/damage coding
  • Improvements to fuel system modelling
  • Battery now tied to Gear Indicator Switch (on the Throttle block)
  • Transponder added

Art / Animation / Manipulators

  • Added many more cockpit animations, most switches/levers are now fully animated
  • Removed VR/GUI Panel, replaced with FlyingIron Sims Tablet
  • Improved several manipulators to be easier to click/access
  • Added command for Dust Filter
  • 3D Transponder added - as part of the optional 'Modern Radio'
  • Instrument block now vibrates from Engine vibrations


  • Added FlyingIron UI Tablet; includes Flight Setup App, Comms App, Settings, GPS, EFIS and much more
  • Avitab Integrated via the Tablet


Dan & Alex

FlyingIron Simulations


  • Bruce Ruinsky

    I purchased the spitfire for msfs 2020.

    When the plane is updated, how do I install the update?

    Thank you

  • António Martins

    Como faço para fazer novamente o download do Spitfire, formatei o computador e agora não sei onde o posso ir buscar novamente. Obrigada

  • António Martins

    Não consigo voar o spitfire quando dou gas enrola para a esquerda. Queria voltar a fazer o download para reinstalar. Como faço?

  • Donald Warwick

    Hi there I might have deleted the link by mistake, has I never download it. therefore the spitfire link should still be there
    Am I correct? So could you please send me another one I will be grateful if you would look into this matter it is the best spitfire flight simulator I have seen I keep watching it “brilliant” thanks mr Warwick

  • TJ

    Any news on a Spitfire for MSFS?

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